Saturday, June 2, 2007

it took me 30 minutes or more before i finally decided to write a post. my rational mind is battling againts the logic of my right brain! ...and a part of me is hurting.

but still, i got some things in my "pocket":

1. cacti are good anti-goat attack! ( re-planted cacti this morning near the fences to protect the herbs am planning to plant. I ended up pulling tiny thorns from my hands which my near-sighted eyes can't see!)

2. there are a lot of women in the world, and they're not the same with each other. No two women are alike, but luckily, the one similarity which guys must take note in order to succeed wooing a woman: their moves are predictable though most of the times confusing. (a friend of mine interviewed me about women and their reactions. cguro may naiispatan na ang mokong na ito?)

3. in a wardrobe, the shoes is the most important one! (I turned down a dinner-fellowship at Hotel Fontefino because I forgot to buy shoes which is appropriate for my dress! shukss! )

4. defense mechanisms cushioned the ego againts pain. ngekss!! ( i can't believe am sourgraping:" well anyway the dinner's for married couples, am not one. am single. so ok lang.) grrrr!

5. masarap na sawsawan ng manggang hilaw ang toyong may crushed 5 pcs siling labuyo, a pinch of sugar and a sprinkle of vinegar!

my rational mind is still battling againts the logic my right brain, and a part of me is still hurting.

i think i need a vacation!

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