Friday, September 18, 2009

Silence Overtook Me

A lot of books offers advises on lots of life's issues. Many coaching groups give mindsetting truths to many business and life matters. None of them will say that meeting and succeeding on your issues are easy. All of them will say that..."it all depends on you!"

Yes, a lot of people that surrounds you seem like experts on a lot of issues and things and you get confused!

Above all things, above all words and advises.. the truth that matters is you!

And the truth that matters now is me!

Me, because I chose to listen to only One- the One who designed my life.
Me, because I chose to take a break and breath for a while.
Me, because I decide to love myself again.

I have worked hard for many, many years without a vacation. I have given my time, energy and everything to my family and other people. I have gone tired and lost what's inside... so I took the time out to be silent for a long time.

Silence doesn't always mean anger and sadness.

This time, silence means growth and change.

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