Thursday, November 25, 2010

Loving You

Loving You, like looking at the horizons,
where the sun rises
and the sun sets..
where thunderstorms and cyclones spring.

Loving You, like looking at the mirror,
where images bounce back..
and all I see is

Loving You, like looking at the stars..
so bright
maybe a dream, but it's not!

Loving You, like looking at the rain cloud..
your presence seem like rain,
you can't touch but you can feel.

I wish loving You, like looking at a flower,
visible to the eyes..
feeling the texture, and oh..the scent!
Then it's truly real.
not a dream.
not and image.
not just a feeling,
but truly here.

Loving Christ, all but real!
you can see.
you can hear.
you can feel.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


It's already noon and still I'm sitting here..I have work to attend to but I simply don't want to go to work. It's one of those days again.... I want to hit the road, go North and enjoy the fresh breeze of the northern counties. All I want to do is go places. I am not simply is mind is already tired thinking of things.... a lot of things.

If I will be given another life to live after these...then I have nothing more to wish to do but enjoy the chance of happiness the Lord designed for me. I'd like to see it and feel it and stay with it till the last minute of my time life...the chance to be with someone a much longer time. A someone whom I can call mine.

Is it bad? Is it offending? Nope. I'm so sure it's not. God knows it and He feels the same way we do and He knows what's lacking. Today, am enjoying the gift of freedom. Doing things for my family and other people I do not know. Staking my life for them, forgetting myself. Yes, I have nothing for myself.. I know it! My friends said, set aside for I guess it must be. But, all I know one day, He will set aside something for me...only for me.

So much for's the wish of all single women in the world...and it's not an ugly wish!

What can I be afraid of? Fear has numb my soul since then..
Why should I be afraid of death? I have died already a lot of times.
Why should I be afraid of being alone? I've been alone since the beginning.
What am I to lose? I have lost everything already.
Why should I hope for more? Because there's more things up there for me.

Love your's a precious gift from God until you know it.