Thursday, July 10, 2008

On Stopping

Sitting before the blogger dashboard, my world froze for quite a long time.
"What will I write?" My last post was on May and it's already July.
My mind wandered until all I see on my computer's screen were the screen savers.
My mind went back as far as May...

Iwas so preoccupied by so many things that my mind stopped talking!
I stopped looking at things and situations.
I stopped thinking about those things and situations.
I stopped gaining insights.
I stopped appreciating.
And I saw I became so sensitive.
My courage was lessen.
And I was diagnosed with a heart damage that will be with me a lifetime.
No possible remedy.
And I was forced to stop for a while from minding a lot of things and people
And I start to think again and appreciate.

My forced vacation made me realized I'm still alone.
But the flowers are beautiful, the wind smells good, the sunsets speak of God!
Life is beautiful.
My courage came back so is my strenght.
I feel more alive and free!
My mind started to see again.
Catch me if you can!