Thursday, April 28, 2011

Butterfly Life Cycle p2...haha

The previous days were very difficult for me.....( it's my almost 2 months on indefinite leave from work.) The pain goes on and off. Above all these, I avoided the following to help me get through each day....because I know and I can feel where I am heading to.

1. get sad and be depressed. Depression and constant sadness....they won't help. It will only aggravate the situation. It will also deplete the body's healing process. So from mornings on towards the night, I produce a happy atmosphere in the house and in any place I go. Music helps a lot. And I pamper myself with every thing I like to do, from taking a bath to work in the office.

Exercise became my twice activity each day... and I chose dancing to stimulate my muscles, bones and all. A once a week body massage gives not only relaxation but also a therapy to my veins.

I got a little conscious with the food I eat.
I get away from my cellphones once in a while. It's stressing to have your cp's always near. When it's near me... I tone down it's ringtone, so I won't be pressured to answer it. Let them text! hahaha

I make friends. I talk a lot. This way, you will see others' point of views and learn from them. I sometimes counsel people in distress. I can't avoid them when they get to me. They help me think positive.

I do some breathing exercises..... on showers! Wehhh.... yun ang trip ko! Bahala ka sa trip mo! The falling water from the shower to my head and back really helps in my " letting go"" exercise.... I do these two exercises daily...... it frees the mind from worries and anxieties. It can help you think clearly.

2. lethargy and idle moments.

3. listening to the worries of other people over me. It is normal that they do because they care. So I tried to know my limits and work only on the boundaries of my limitations.

Tomorrow, I 'll be in the Philippine Heart Center to see what could be done to prolong....hehehe.. of course, my life!

I'll miss facebook. nyahahaha!

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