Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Consolation of the Rain

Reading gives me consolation after a very tiring and dissapointing day. It's a hobby thats worth the effort of scanning and comprehending the written lines. As writers put it: there's hidden "jewels" there.

In my effort to save and keep the school going, I devised a lot of ways to reach my objective. I met a lot of disappointment, shed a lot of tears, got sick and withdrawn a little from the crowd to think, re-think, sink and get up again.

It's my one of those days today. My burning drive to work was met in the middle by a heavy rain! My red dress got wet and my asthma-caused-by- stress attacked. I was forced to stop watching the rain goes down, flooding my way. I managed to get to my office, at least, to stop and wait for a chance to continue my hitting the road.

"The rain kills my opportunity today!" I said to myself.
I pulled out the red book from the shelf, read and waited for the rain to stop.

1. Give with all your heart and mind. When you stop giving, the creation will also stop you.
2. Sometimes appreciate the animals around specially the birds. I don't like animals. Their feathers and hair make me allergic. But dear, it is right! The kittens playing on my roof give me some sort of enjoyment by just watching them. One of the little things I forgot.
3. Break your mental bondage. Limitations are in our minds only. We can do things only if we like them to. Set our mind free from limitations. The rain limits my action today but that doesn't mean I have to stop. I can't stop now.
4. Humans has the capacity to succeed and victorious. We also have the capacity to fail and be defeated. Our mind is the difference.
5. The void in us can give us the ability to "bend down" without breaking in times of difficult and harsh situations. The void in me must dictate me not to give up and not to stop until my goal is realized.
6. Perfect timing is a very valuable element of success.

The rain didn't at all ruined my opportunities... it made me to stop and give thought on those things. It's not bad after all.

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